
3-D Wire Sculpture

Students will create a three-dimensional (3-D) wire sculpture that can either hang suspended like a mobile or sit on a base like a stabile. Students must apply their knowledge and skill of line, form, space, movement, and balance in order to symbolize the essence of a human or animal body in motion.

This item has been voluntarily field-tested by Michigan teachers with a non-representative sample of students.

These are analytic rubrics. The column on the left shows the dimension that is being measured in the student’s performance. The levels across the top row indicate the performance level in the dimensions. Occasionally all dimensions and performance levels are exemplified by multiple students in a single recording.


  • Dimension
  • Communication of Content

    The successful arrangement of elements and principles of design to create two or more preliminary sketches of human or animal bodies in motion and then a final wire sculpture that clearly conveys the idea of motion.

  • Craftsmanship

    The successful handling of materials to demonstrate purposeful technique and manipulation of media.

  • Artist Statement

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • The student applied novice or beginning skills in line, form, space, movement and balance to convey the essence of a human or animal body in motion by translating the sketch into a 3-D wire sculpture.

    N/A at this time.
  • The student applied emergent skills in line, form, space, movement and balance to convey the essence of a human or animal body in motion by translating the sketch into a 3-D wire sculpture.

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  • The student applied proficient skills in line, form, space, movement and balance to convey the essence of a human or animal body in motion by translating the sketch into a 3-D wire sculpture.

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  • The student applied mastered skills in line, form, space, movement and balance to convey the essence of a human or animal body in motion by translating the sketch into a 3-D wire sculpture.

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  • Novice or beginning skills and technique are evident. The assembly of wire is not sturdy and doesn’t hold its shape. Wire shapes and bends are uncontrolled and not intentional. The design is unclear and complicated. The 3-D form is unsuccessfully constructed from any viewpoint.

    N/A at this time.
  • Emergent skills and technique are evident. The assembly of wire is a bit unstable but mostly holds its shape. Most shapes and bends are controlled and intentional. The design is somewhat clear but not successful from all points of view.

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  • Proficient skills and technique are evident. The assembly of wire is sturdy and holds its shape. Wire shapes and bends are controlled and intentional. The design is fairly clear and uncomplicated. The 3-D form is successfully constructed from most viewpoints.

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  • Mastered skills and technique are evident. The assembly of wire is sturdy and holds its shape. Wire shapes and bends are controlled and intentional. The design is clear and uncomplicated. The 3-D form is successfully constructed from all viewpoints.

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  • Student’s writing is very unclear and disorganized in recording of name of motion, how the sculpture moves and the artistic intent compared to the realized outcome with no descriptive examples.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student’s writing is unclear and/or disorganized in recording of name of motion, how the sculpture moves and the artistic intent compared to the realized outcome with one descriptive example.

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  • Student’s writing is somewhat clear and organized in recording of name of motion, how the sculpture moves and the artistic intent compared to the realized outcome with two descriptive examples.

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  • Student’s writing is clear, well-developed, and organized in recording of name of motion, how the sculpture moves and the artistic intent compared to the realized outcome with three or more descriptive examples.

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  • Dimension
  • Creating Fast Rhythm and Movement

  • Writing Fluency

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Student drew a line without any directional changes or did not draw a line.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student drew a line that includes few directional changes.

    View Exemplar
  • Student drew a line that includes some directional changes.

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  • Student drew a line that includes many directional changes.

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  • Student writing is very unclear and unorganized in the communication of his or her ideas.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student writing is unclear and/or unorganized in the communication of his or her ideas.

    View Exemplar
  • Student writing is somewhat clear and organized in the communication of his or her ideas.

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  • Student writing is clear, well developed, and organized in the communication of his or her ideas.

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