
Beginning, Middle, and End

Students will generate ideas for creative writing as they improvise three-line stories. They will then review story structure and apply it to a short story of their own creation.

First, students will work in small groups, creating three-line stories through improvisation. Then, students will work as a class to discuss the possible topics and story ideas that were generated through the activity. Next, students will work individually to write a short story based on a selected topic. Finally, students will share their stories with another student. They will also discuss possible revisions with their partners.

This item has not been field-tested by Michigan teachers.

This is an analytic rubric. The column on the left shows the dimension that is being measured in the student’s performance. The levels across the top row indicate the performance level in the dimensions. Occasionally all dimensions and performance levels are exemplified by multiple students in a single recording.

Teacher Scoring Rubric

  • Dimension
  • Creativity

  • Structure

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Student did not demonstrate effort in creating the story.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student demonstrated effort in trying to create an imaginative story, but the story contains few creative details.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student created an imaginative story containing a few creative details.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student created an imaginative story containing many creative details.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student created a story in which the beginning, middle, and end of the story are not attempted or are too difficult to follow.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student created a story in which the beginning, middle, and end of the story are sometimes difficult to follow and not always logical.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student created a story in which the beginning, middle, and end are easy to understand and somewhat logical.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student created a story in which the beginning, middle, and end are easy to understand and logical.

    N/A at this time.
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