Youth Art Month is a celebration of the visual arts administered by the Council for Art Education (CFAE). The program provides a medium for recognizing skills developed through visual art experiences, including: problem solving, creativity, observation and communication.
Youth Art Month encourages support for quality school art programs and promotes art material safety. Art shows, special exhibits, fundraisers, and school and community activities take place annually, traditionally during March, to celebrate visual art education for grades K – 12.
To recognize Youth Art Month this year at my school, visual art students from rural Pentwater Public School were asked to create slides answering the question, “What does Art mean to you?” In the slides each student included a recent work of art that they are proud of. You will see and read from the students themselves why looking at art, talking about art, and above all, CREATING ART, is so important to the educational experience. Enjoy!
View the entire presentation here.
Check out the National Art Education Association to learn more.
Carrie Jeruzal is a MAEIA Leadership Fellow and Visual Arts Educator in Pentwater, MI. She was honored by the National Art Education Association as the 2017 Western Region Middle Level Art Teacher of the Year. #NAEA #YAM

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