
Applying Principles of Design to Paper Cutouts

Students will use paper to create a work of art in the cutout style of Matisse that shows an understanding of the varying qualities of materials, techniques, media technology, and processes at a developing level. Students should have a working knowledge of the principles of design. Specific principles include balance, space/proportion, unity and emphasis.

This item has been voluntarily field-tested by Michigan teachers with a non-representative sample of students.

These are analytic rubrics. The column on the left shows the dimension that is being measured in the student’s performance. The levels across the top row indicate the performance level in the dimensions. Occasionally all dimensions and performance levels are exemplified by multiple students in a single recording.


  • Dimension
  • Composition

    The creation showed planning in the elements and principles of design.

  • Materials and Processes

    The successful handling of varying qualities of materials, techniques, media technology and processes

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Student applied one principle of design in his or her composition to solve creative problems.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student applied two principles of design in his or her composition to solve creative problems.

    View Exemplar
  • Student applied three principles of design in his or her composition to solve creative problems.

    View Exemplar
  • Student applied all four principles of design (balance, unity, space/proportion, emphasis) in his or her composition to solve creative problems.

    View Exemplar
  • Novice skills are evident in the handling of varying qualities of materials, techniques, media technology, and processes.

    N/A at this time.
  • Emergent skills are evident in the handling of varying qualities of materials, techniques, media technology, and processes.

    N/A at this time.
  • Proficiency of skills and techniques are evident in the handling of varying qualities of materials, techniques, media technology, and processes.

    View Exemplar
  • Mastery of skills and techniques are evident in the handling of varying qualities of materials, techniques, media technology, and processes.

    View Exemplar


  • Dimension
  • Identifying one principle of design

  • Identifying two elements of art

  • Use of examples and details to explain answer

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • Student is unclear, is off topic, or does not provide any principle of design that is present in the work.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student generically identifies a principle of design that is present in the work.

    View Exemplar
  • Student identifies a principle of design that is present in the work.

    View Exemplar
  • Student is unclear, is off topic, or does not provide any elements of art that are present in the work.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student generically identifies one element of art that is present in the work.

    View Exemplar
  • Student identifies two elements of art that are present in the work.

    View Exemplar
  • Student is unclear, is off topic, or does not provide any example or details to explain the answer.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student uses one example or detail to explain the answer.

    View Exemplar
  • Student uses one example with a supporting detail to explain the answer.

    View Exemplar
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