Students will create one artwork using the two-dimensional media of their choice over the course of five days. Each day, they will track and record how the artwork connects with another subject and the skills or processes they used while creating their artwork from a chart of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Principles of other disciplines taught in school are identified based on a chart of skills/processes from Bloom’s Taxonomy. Disciplines used include mathematics, history, geography, English language arts, and science.
This is a very open project, and it will challenge students to be creative and to make connections with other classes, both past and current, that they have taken in school.
Media choices include paper collage, photo/magazine collage, drawing in any media, painting, mixed media, and printmaking processes. There is a digital option; all or part of the work could be done using computer software such as photo and illustration software. This assessment task is particularly suited for choice-based or Teaching for Artistic Behavior (TAB) art programs.
This item has not been field-tested by Michigan teachers.
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