
You Be the Judge: Creating and Applying Criteria to Performance

In this assessment, students will develop criteria to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of musical performances. Students will use the created criteria to evaluate a musical work performed by their own ensemble, providing a rationale for their scoring choices. Students will then give suggestions to improve future performances of the piece. This assessment has three parts that should be conducted over the course of three class periods.

In Part 1, the teacher will play an audio or video recording of a musical work performed by two different artists or ensembles. Each should be played twice.
Students will respond by listing five things they noticed about the piece using musical and performance terminology. The students will conclude Part 1 by writing a review that states which of the two listening examples they would recommend and why. Their review will cite details from the reflection they wrote in the Listening Log. The teacher will score the student work using a provided rubric.

In Part 2, students will develop their own criteria to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of musical performances. They will complete a performance rubric template found in the Student Booklet. Students will use their self-created rubrics to evaluate a musical performance. Part 2 will conclude as the class reflects on the criteria that the students chose and how it impacted their ratings.

In Part 3, the teacher will record the class performing a musical work. Students will listen to an audio playback of their ensemble and rate their performance using their self-created rubric. Students will provide a rationale for their ratings, citing details they heard during the playback. Part 3 will conclude as students provide praises and suggestions that will improve the quality of future performances.

This item has not yet been field-tested.

These are analytic rubrics. The column on the left shows the dimension that is being measured in the student’s performance. The levels across the top row indicate the performance level in the dimensions. Occasionally all dimensions and performance levels are exemplified by multiple students in a single recording.


  • Dimension
  • Listening Log and Critic’s Corner Written Reflection

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Student writing does not communicate knowledge of performance elements. Musical terminology is misused or absent. Writing does not communicate a clear analysis of the piece.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student writing communicates some knowledge. Terminology was limited or misused. Writing cites limited details to support opinions expressed.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student writing communicates knowledge using appropriate musical terminology. Writing cites details to support opinions expressed.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student writing communicates deep insight and uses appropriate musical terminology. Writing cites many details to support the opinions expressed.

    N/A at this time.


  • Dimension
  • My Rubric-2 Completion

  • Student Rationale

  • Performance Praise and Performance Suggestions

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Student rated none of the performance criteria.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student rated some of the performance criteria.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student rated many of the performance criteria.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student rated all of the performance criteria.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student does not draw upon examples from the performance. Rationale is not fully formed, and musical terminology is absent or misrepresented within the response. The writing lacks a clear description of the presence and quality of musical dimensions.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student draws upon some examples from the performance. Rationale contains some music terminology that describes the presence and quality of some of the musical dimensions.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student draws upon many examples from the performance. Rationale uses correct musical terminology to describe the presence and quality of musical dimensions.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student uses extensive examples from the performance. Rationale is insightful and uses correct musical terminology to assess the presence and quality of musical dimensions.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student feedback does not draw upon examples from the performance. Feedback is either absent or not adequate to improve ensemble performance.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student feedback draws upon some examples from the performance. Feedback will provide some insight for some improved ensemble performance.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student feedback draws upon many examples from the performance. Feedback will provide insight for improved ensemble performance.

    N/A at this time.
  • Student feedback uses extensive examples from the performance. Feedback is insightful and will aid in greatly improved ensemble performance.

    N/A at this time.
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