We created EduPaths courses about MAEIA that will help arts educators, administrators, organizations, schools and districts effectively assess students in the arts, evaluate their arts program, and demonstrate professional practice.
This is a series of four courses that walks participants through the MAEIA website and how to use and implement the MAEIA resources.
To access courses using the links below, you will need to create a free EduPaths account and be logged in.

Tools for Educators of the Arts
This course provides an overview and introduction to MAEIA – Michigan Arts Education Instruction & Assessment.
- Identify what MAEIA arts education tools are available to you to assess your program, your students and your instruction.
- Explain that the tools are voluntary and may be revised as needed to align with your curriculum and teaching style.
- Locate the MAEIA Tools.
- Register as a user on the MAEIA website.
To access this course, create a free EduPaths account, log in, and then click: MAEIA 1 – Tools for Educators of the Arts
.75 SCECHs can be earned for this course.

Assessments for Dance, Music, Theatre and Visual Arts
This course will walk you through the arts assessments available to educators of music, visual arts, dance and theater.
- Identify the types of MAEIA assessments.
- Identify the range of standards woven throughout the assessments.
- Describe how to align the MAEIA assessments to your instruction.
- Describe what to do before, during and after administering the assessments.
- Identify how to find the assessments that feature arts integration.
To access this course, create a free EduPaths account, log in, and then click: MAEIA 2: Assessments for Dance, Music, Theatre and Visual Arts
1.0 SCECHs can be earned for this course.

Tools that Define and Assess Program Quality
In this course you will learn more about how the MAEIA Program Review Tool (PRT) might define and assess the quality of dance, music, theatre and visual arts education programs in your school or district.
- Identify what the MAEIA Blueprint of a Quality Arts Education Program is.
- Describe where the Blueprint and Indicators came from.
- Describe how the MAEIA Program Review Tool was developed.
- Explain how to find and use the MAEIA Program Review Tool.
- Describe the benefits of the results of the MAEIA Program Review Tool.
To access this course, create a free EduPaths account, log in, and then click: MAEIA 3: Tools that Define and Assess Program Quality
.25 SCECHs can be earned for this course.

Using Assessments to Demonstrate Educator Effectiveness
This final course is designed for arts educators who want to learn more specifics about how to use MAEIA assessments to demonstrate educator effectiveness.
- Understand the legislative requirements of educator effectiveness and how MAEIA assessments can meet the needs of arts educators.
- Understand the three methods for Demonstrating Educator Effectiveness (DEE) and clarify ways you can show student growth.
- Identify ways that you can document your instruction and understand the rationale behind it.
- Understand how you can demonstrate educator effectiveness and have a voice and choice in the educator evaluation process using MAEIA assessments.
To access this course, create a free EduPaths account, log in, and then click: MAEIA 4: Using Assessments to Demonstrate Educator Effectiveness
.75 SCECHs can be earned for this course.
"I have learned that the MAEIA materials can be used throughout the year to help an educator prepare to demonstrate effectiveness."
"I'll plan for a much more robust set of assessments for next year. I like the idea of having both testing and samples of student work to include in my evaluation."
"This course has shown me how to be well-prepared for my end-of-the-year evaluation and how to include information that will allow me to tell my story! This course has helped excite me about my evaluations instead of being intimidated by them."
"These four [courses] have done a great job informing me about this important asset to navigating the teacher evaluation challenges connected with arts education. With tools like the ones from MAEIA, I can bring my administrators into the process a lot earlier and be prepared a lot sooner. "
"It's important for educators in my schools/districts to know how to become empowered to advocate for their arts program/classes. This will definitely be a tool to use to help them become empowered to be the voice for their program."