Michigan K-12 Arts Education Survey

Michigan K-12 Arts Education Survey

The Michigan K-12 Arts Education survey was conducted in 2023-24 by the Michigan Assessment Consortium as part of the Michigan Arts Education Instruction and Assessment Project (MAEIA), in collaboration with the Michigan Department of Education, the Michigan Arts and Culture Council, and the Michigan Education Association.

What was the purpose of the survey?

The arts are a vital component of a well-rounded education. This survey of school principals is an important initiative to gather statewide and regional data on the status of arts education programming in public schools and public school academies in Michigan.

Who was surveyed?

A “census’ approach was taken to include as many perspectives as possible, which means principals of all public schools and public-school academies were asked to participate in the survey in 2023-24. Results will be reported in fall 2024.

How will the survey results be used?

Survey results will be analyzed to support collective action to expand equitable access to high quality arts education for Michigan’s students. Results will also be used to assist state agencies and arts education organizations in working collaboratively to offer resources, tools, and professional learning to schools and districts.

Individual school responses are confidential and will not be reported publicly; rather, responses of all the schools that participate will be combined for reporting purposes. The data will not be used to penalize districts, buildings, or school personnel in any way.

Questions about the survey? 

Please contact Kathy Humphrey, Michigan Assessment Consortium, at maeia.artsed@gmail.com or 517.816.4520.

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