MAEIA performance assessments are aligned to Michigan Content Benchmarks and Grade Level Expectations, as well as National Core Arts Anchor Standards. In this fifth-grade visual arts assessment, students explore and understand the impact of digital media and technology in the creation of artwork.
MAEIA model assessments measure individual student performance for use in improving instruction and learning. In this assessment, students research an artist of their choice and create a series of works that are informed by the style, genre, or media used by the artist who was researched.
MAEIA dance educators strike a pose during a break from scoring student work during assessment field testing. K-12 student assessments in dance, theatre, music and visual arts were developed and field tested by Michigan educators and are available for voluntary use across the state.
The Michigan Arts Education Instruction and Assessment Project (MAEIA) supports Michigan school districts, buildings, educators, and the public in implementing a high-quality arts education program in dance, music, theatre, and visual arts for all K-12 students.
This MAEIA performance assessment asks high school students to work collaboratively to design a soda can label, create an advertising campaign, and pitch their final ideas to their class. Arts educators can select a few of MAEIA’s rich, curriculum-embedded performance assessments to use to document student performance periodically throughout the school year.
MAEIA’s voluntary model assessments help K-12 arts educators authentically assess student learning in all grade levels and content areas in the arts. MAEIA’s online catalog of 350 performance assessments in dance, music, theatre, and visual arts is one of the largest in the nation.
The MAEIA model assessments measure individual student performance for use in improving instruction and learning. In this seventh-grade assessment, students construct a six-sided cube to learn about the six elements of art (line, color, shape/form, texture, value, and space).
The Michigan Arts Education Instruction and Assessment Project's catalog of 350 curriculum-embedded assessments in dance, music, theatre, and visual arts were designed for teachers to use as is or to modify to fit their curriculum and instruction.
The arts engage students’ higher order cognitive as well as psychomotor skills. This MAEIA arts assessment requires students to create an imaginative insect to help solve an environmental issue and explain its form and function.
Visual arts educators collaboratively review student work during the MAEIA arts assessment field test. The MAEIA Project created 350 arts performance assessments in visual arts, dance, music, and theatre for voluntary use by K-12 Michigan teachers.
The Arts are an essential part of public education. The MAEIA Project assists school districts, buildings, educators, and the public in implementing high-quality arts education programs in dance, music, theatre, and visual arts for all K-12 students.
Dance teachers review student work to select exemplars for MAEIA’s assessment catalog. MAEIA’s online catalog of 350 performance assessments in dance, music, theatre, and visual arts is one of the largest in the nation.
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