
BrainDance Movement Sequence

Students will perform a learned dance sequence with accurate use of the elements of dance—space, time, and energy.

For this assessment, students will perform movement previously taught by the teacher. This assessment uses BrainDance fundamental movement concepts. If the teacher is unfamiliar with BrainDance concepts, information can be found by researching the author, Anne Green-Gilbert, at the Creative Dance Center in Seattle, Washington. There are numerous resources and lesson plans to develop deeper understanding and application of the concepts. For more information, see: creativedance.org/about/braindance.

The choreographed BrainDance warm-up should be between four and five minutes in length. The movement should include the use of breath, tactile, head-tail, core-distal, upper-lower, body-side, cross lateral, and vestibular patterns.

This item has been voluntarily field-tested by Michigan teachers with a non-representative sample of students.

This is an analytic rubric. The column on the left shows the dimension that is being measured in the student’s performance. The levels across the top row indicate the performance level in the dimensions. Occasionally all dimensions and performance levels are exemplified by multiple students in a single recording.


  • Dimension
  • Dimension

    Identified two ways that the BrainDance makes the mind and body feel

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • Did not clearly identify any way the BrainDance makes the mind and body feel.

    N/A at this time.
  • Clearly identified only one way that the BrainDance makes the mind and body feel.

    View Exemplar
  • Clearly identified two ways that the BrainDance makes the mind and body feel.

    View Exemplars
    View Exemplars
    View Exemplars
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