Blogs & Online Sources
Tagged: Adaptation
Introducing the MAEIA Leadership Fellows
Heather Vaughan-Southard Leave a Comment arts integration, Beth Post, Carrie Jeruzal, Cathy DePentu, Cecila Gollan, Cindy Swan-Eagan, Cynthia Clingman, dance, Debra Henning, face-to-face presentations, Hedy Blatt, Holly Olszewski, James Mobley, Liz Andrews, MAEIA Fellows, MAIEA resources, Margaret Theile, MCACA, Michigan Arts and Cultural Affairs, Michigan Department of Education, music, professional development, Rebecca Arndt, special needs, Tammi Browning, theatre, visual arts, webinars
The MAEIA project, with generous support from the Michigan Council on Arts and Cultural Affairs and the Michigan Department of Education, assists school districts, buildings, educators,...
Continue ReadingWhat Arts Educators Need To Know About Bargaining
If there is a single shared experience that an arts educator will have with their colleagues, who span multiple disciplines, settings, and grade levels, it would be the intimate awareness and seeking of funding for...
Continue ReadingCheryl L. Poole: A Value of a Rubric to the Teaching Artist……and Where to Find One
Cheryl Poole Leave a Comment arts assessments, assessing the arts, assessment catalogue, MAEIA assessments, performance events, performance tasks, rubrics, teaching artist
If someone wants something from me—a product or a performance—I’ve always been someone to do my best to deliver whatever is expected. The one caveat is that I need to be clear...
Continue ReadingIn a Previous Life . . . they taught me so much
In this blog post we are thrilled to introduce the ponderings of Jim Dalling as found in his Remarkable Fools Letter series. Recently Jim was talking with his 14-year-old daughter about how people...
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