Blogs & Online Sources

The Practice of Adaptation – A Series in Four Disciplines Using MAEIA Performance Assessments for Online Teaching

Heather Vaughan-Southard, Joni Starr, Amy Pobanz, Cathy DePentu Leave a Comment

As we find ourselves in unprecedented times, with the possibility of adapting your teaching to online platforms, we at MAEIA are here for you. Though our assessment catalog is not a bank of lesson plans,...

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Carrie Jeruzal: “Making it Work” for Students with Learning Differences

Carrie Jeruzal Leave a Comment

Educational modifications and accommodations are every teacher’s responsibility.  They are required as outlined in federal and state law (Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 1997, Reauthorization of IDEA 2004 and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973-Section 504). If...

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2019 MAEIA Institute

Heather Vaughan-Southard Leave a Comment

The Michigan Arts Education Instruction and Assessment project offers the MAEIA Institute, a concise professional learning offering which trains administrators-arts educator pairs how to support and measure growth in the arts disciplines.

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