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Tagged: State Policy Pilot Program
Dispelling Myths and Providing Resources for Scoring, Reporting, and Demonstrating Educator Effectiveness
Heather Vaughan-Southard Leave a Comment assessment, assessment literacy, assessment practices, data display, educator effectiveness, reporting, scoring
The MAEIA Demonstrating Educator Effectiveness page is here! The page outlines the process an educator moves through in the planning, implementing, and presenting evidence of their effectiveness; complete...
Continue ReadingResetting a Passion for Advocacy
As President Elect for the Michigan Art Education Association I recognize that advocating is at the forefront of the work. It is also an important part of being...
Continue ReadingHarnessing the Power of Impact Networks to Elevate the Arts
If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. ~African Proverb While it has been in conversation and practice for over...
Continue ReadingCathy DePentu: “No Music Without Fun, No Fun Without Music” as the theme for a concert….
Cathy DePentu Leave a Comment arts education, Cathy DePentu, MAEIA, music
What does that even mean? Does it mean we just have fun all the time? No. Does it mean that we don’t work at what we do? Absolutely not. Does it mean that I...
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