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Tagged: professional learning

2019 MAEIA Institute

Heather Vaughan-Southard Leave a Comment

The Michigan Arts Education Instruction and Assessment project offers the MAEIA Institute, a concise professional learning offering which trains administrators-arts educator pairs how to support and measure growth in the arts disciplines.

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Cathy DePentu: Excited and Engaged in Teaching After 35 Years!

Cathy DePentu Leave a Comment

Thirty-five years ago a guidance counselor asked me, “Why should we schedule a student all four years in Orchestra? Aren’t students just repeating the same class?” I attempted to explain that students continue to...

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Cynthia Clingman: “Drop Everything”

Cynthia Clingman Leave a Comment

The MAEIA Leadership Fellows present general and specialized professional learning presentations to educators, administrators, and community organizations who interact with K-12 schools. Below, Cynthia Clingman outlines what is was like developing her...

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Liz Andrews: “Jump in- take a chance- try something new.”

Elizabeth Andrews Leave a Comment

The MAEIA Leadership Fellows work individually and collaboratively to create and present professional learning on the use of MAEIA resources in face-to-face and webinar formats. For some presenters, virtual sessions are new formats which lead...

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